
After a fantastic Book and Beer show, we’ve sold our entire first run of books! (It was only 30 of them, but it’s better than a kick in the pants.) We are working on assembling a second run for anyone that missed out!

Aside from this, we are taking a short hiatus from making new comics while we work on an exciting secret project!! Shiftyville Comics will be back in full force in April for the next 100 Days Project on Instagram, so don’t forget to follow us at:

In the meantime, we will be re-posting some old favourites that you may have missed the first time around!

Happy holidays!

Modern Times


When we first started making comics, it was a rare thing to have internet at home. Now we’re on Instagram and Facebook! (and we both have internet at home!) Crazy times.

You can find us here, if you want to:





 Emerald wasn’t going to deny that she’d lost her temper a bit, but that post had been worth a lot more likes and for sure a couple of shares. Obviously, it was no cat video, but it was pretty awesome for a smoothie recipe.”

Emerald is actually a very nice person. She knows that she sometimes takes things (and herself!) way too seriously, and she’s working on that.

A couple of her goals for this year are to eat healthier and get more exercise. Emerald is finding that the most difficult part of achieving these goals is her competitive nature getting in the way of her self-improvement. Instead of enjoying an evening walk, she often finds herself speeding around the track, cutting off old ladies while she plots her next meal.

She only posts smoothie recipes for the praise she gets, not really for others to enjoy. She’s working on that too.